Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What a day! Animals, two interesting history lessons, and a new word.

I learned some interesting things today from my visits around the city. This was in addition to seeing the beautiful animals on the reserve! Giraffes, cheetahs, and elephants – oh my! (Okay, that doesn’t quite work, but please see photos in the “slideshow” off to the right…)

First, the history of Botswana (and we’re talking nutshell version here!): The three chiefs (see the photo of the memorial statue) whose territories made up the area that is now Botswana asked Britain to protect them from the Boers invaders. Britain agreed – having her own motives of protecting the trade route that passed through what is now Botswana. Then, in 1966, when Botswana asked for his independence, Britain granted it easily – because then the country was poor and just seen as dessert with nothing to claim and nothing to gain. Then, only one year later diamonds were discovered in Botswana. It is now one of the richest countries in Africa. The country did not need to endure conflict to gain his independence, and they were colonized in a very different way than most African nations. This makes their history quite unique – and peaceful.

Now, on to how the university came to be established in 1982: The University of Botswana originates from the University of Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland established in 1964. When Botswana decided the country needed its own university, it called upon the people of the country to give anything they could. People’s capital was in their cattle and their agriculture. So this is what they brought. (See the photo of the statue of the man bringing the cow.) The old logo symbolizes this tradition and these humble beginnings – which is why so many people at the university don’t like the change.

Oh, and I learned how to say “hello” in Setswana: “dumela.” I mean it only took me four days to learn. And, okay, I had to buy a t-shirt with the word on it to help me remember! Tomorrow is reserved for work – and maybe a bit more exploring!


  1. Wonderful pictures....and the architecture is interesting. . .Almost a contradiction with the scenery.

    Plan to bring home any pets?

  2. You are absolutely correct. They are starting to pour more and more cement for sidewalks and roads, but much of the area around the buildings is just sand/earth.
