Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Research… because I like people.

The research that I’m doing – that I do – is qualitative. From my experiences, I would say that many business people don’t much like qualitative research, but my background is in communication! Qualitative research involves observation and talking with people more than surveys and number crunching. Okay, it’s not quite that simple, but it may help people better understand what I’m looking for while in these two countries.

I’m looking at how the business cultures in Botswana and South Africa differ from the US – well, that’s what I came looking for. After my conversations thus far, I think looking at the differences between the two countries here in Africa is what will truly be interesting. They are bordering nations, yet, just like anywhere else in the world, proximity doesn’t make them similar. Everything grows out of culture – even business practices.

I consulted a book used frequently when researching international business: Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands. (As of now, the book does not cover Botswana, but it does have a chapter on South Africa.) This book tells you what you need to know when going into a country to conduct business – appropriate dress, gestures not to use, gifts to bring, etc. The book does not entirely get into the why, however. And that is only answered by having an understanding of the country’s culture.

Culture – that’s the fun part of this trip and of the research! That’s why I’m able to explore, go to museums, and just simply chat with people. Tomorrow one of my contacts here, Mompoloki Bagwasi (she went to Indiana University for her PhD and now works in the Department of English at the University of Botswana) is taking me to a village. What an experience – I’m sure I will have much to write about tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. What a way to conduct research!! Really can't wait to hear more.
