Tuesday, July 7, 2009

“I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore…”

Wow! Johannesburg is completely different from Gaborone. It really does remind me of a big city in the States. Some places remind me of NYC, but the first place it reminded me of was Seattle – since it’s very hilly. The area where my hotel is, Rosebank, reminds me of a cute Chicago neighborhood. Luck would have it that I’m only a block from the Rosebank mall – with high-end shops that could get me into trouble! Most everyone is dressed to the nines here in Rosebank.

When I flew in I noticed the difference right away. We flew over many big houses with large swimming pools. And the airport is quite expansive.

However, there are clues that remind me that I’m not in the States. For example, I keep seeing ladies carrying items on their heads. I didn’t realize people still do this, but I’ve seen this several times now. They carry large bags and baskets, for example. The ladies don’t even use their hands to balance the objects – they just walk at a quick pace around town with the item balanced perfectly, hands free. It’s quite impressive! I can’t even walk with a single book on my head. I would love to get a photo, but I don’t want to offend anyone.

Yesterday I drove through the business district of Jo’burg. The area is downtown and called the Central Business District (CBD). You can see the tall buildings in one of the photos in the slideshow. Also, I crossed the Nelson Mandela Bridge. And, I had a profitable meeting yesterday at the Wits Business School. Still much to do and see here in Jo’burg. I have 4 days and counting… must go explore!

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