Monday, June 29, 2009

Be sure to say “hello!”

Today I had the opportunity to meet with two people at the Business “Faculty” (they don’t call it “school’ or “department” as we do in the States) at the University of Botswana. Dr. Percy Phatshwane is a Senior Lecturer in accounting, and she connected me with Elliott Odirile, Coordinator of the Business Clinic. (The role of the Business Clinic is to fill the gap between the academic world and the work world for students.) The conversations were fruitful, and I’m energized to continue my research here and in South Africa.

When our conversations turned to the business culture of Botswana, both contacts immediately said how important the greeting is. And I have already seen this for myself – people will interrupt a conversation to stop, smile, and say “hello” to someone simply passing by. I think this is great! Being from Indiana and growing up with “Hoosier hospitality,” I tend to feel the need to smile and talk to everyone (picture Will Ferrell in the movie Elf trying to give every passerby a hug – comparable to that). So I fit right in when it comes to this mannerism!

I’ve already bragged a bit on the glory of the country. What’s interesting is to hear the locals calling their land “second only to Heaven.” It is a safe, friendly, beautiful place, rich in culture. Even with globalization playing its role in the country, the people work to remain steadfast in their traditions and principles. Some students even go to an initiation school to learn about the Botswana culture.

Tomorrow I hope to learn more about the culture myself, as I visit the National Museum, the Parliament buildings, and the Three Chief’s monuments.


  1. Take lots of pictures! We already have our agenda for our first faculty meeting!

  2. Done and done! :) Thanks for reading, Judy.
