Sunday, June 28, 2009

New experience 1: My first time writing a blog. New experience 2: My first time in Botswana!

I am so appreciative to CIBER and Africa Studies for the opportunity to be in Gaborone, Botswana this week. It’s taken a couple of days to settle in, but now it will be hard to leave. I’ve already met many locals, and one word keeps coming up in my conversations about the country: simple.

I would agree with that, from the little I’ve seen and experienced thus far. It’s the kind of simplicity that makes you long for a more simple life – one of natural beauty, friendly smiles, slower paces, and cheerful dancing.

I visited the University of Botswana earlier today. It is winter here so the students are on break. Not much action to see, but the campus is lovely, with a nice mix of old and new. There are several new buildings and many under construction, but they kept the first “block” built on the campus to remember their humble beginnings (more about that in a later post). Also, they just changed their logo, which many people do not like. They lost some of their tradition for the sake of becoming more modern.

I’m going back to the university tomorrow to meet with some people in the business department. For now, however, I’m off to watch the US/Brazil soccer match. It’s in South Africa – where I’ll be next week!


  1. Wow--how wonderful. Thanks for sharing. I'm eager to read your day-by-day updates.

    Enjoy every moment.


    ps. This is my first time commenting on a blog.

  2. I'm a bit envious. I have a friend in Gaborne right now, whom I hope to visit very soon!
